Test security properties for Ethereum smart contracts with Fuzzing.

Detect vulnerabilities prior to deployment and avoid costly smart contract rewrites.

What is Fuzzing?

Easy to use and powerful, Fuzzing as a Service enables users to find bugs immediately after writing their first specification!
Smart contracts are increasingly complex programs that often hold and manage large amounts of assets. Developers should use tools to analyze their smart contracts before deploying them to find vulnerabilities open to exploitation.
In order to use Fuzzing, you need Scribble.
Explore Scribble
A fuzzing report shows you everything about a fuzzing campaign!

Fuzzing as a Service detects contract violations in 3 steps:

Step 1
Step 1:
Define specifications for your smart contract using Scribble.
Step 2
Step 2:
Submit your code to Diligence to run fuzzing campaigns.
Step 3
Step 3:
Fix the violations in your code.

Watch the Fuzzing Demo

Key Differentiators

Smart Contracts as a Specification
Smart Contracts as a Specification
Improve an auditor's ability to find flaws in smart contracts.
Automated Testing
Automated Testing
Automated testing technology finds property violations and reports them to the user.
State-of-the-art Fuzzing Techniques
State-of-the-art Fuzzing Techniques
Easy, thorough smart contract testing provides comprehensive security
Business Logic Integrity
Business Logic Integrity
Test business logic, check for correctness and find security problems.

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